Saturday, July 18, 2015

Verilog Coding for State Machine Charts

State Machine Charts
State Machine Design with SM Charts

Another name for a sequential circuit is an algorithmic state machine or simply a state machine, named for the sequential circuit that is used to control a digital system that carries out a step-by-step procedure or algorithm.

As an alternative to using state graphs, a special type of flowchart, called a state machine flowchart or SM chart, may be used to describe the behavior of a state machine

State Machine Charts

SM charts are also called ASM (algorithmic state machine) charts.


1.   It is often easier to understand the operation of a digital system by inspection of the SM chart instead of the equivalent state graph.

2.   A given SM chart can be converted into several equivalent forms, and each form leads directly to a hardware realization.

An SM chart differs from an ordinary flowchart in that certain specific rules must be followed in constructing the SM chart. When these rules are followed, the SM chart is equivalent to a state graph, and it leads directly to a hardware realization.

Fig.1 shows the three principal components of an SM chart.

The state of the system is represented by a state box. The state box contains a state name, and it may contain an output list. A state code may be placed outside the box at the top.

A decision box is represented by a diamond-shaped symbol with true and false branches. The condition placed in the box is a Boolean expression that is evaluated to determine which branch to take.

The conditional output box, which has curved ends, contains a conditional output list.The conditional outputs depend on both the state of the system and the inputs.

An SM chart is constructed from SM blocks. Each SM block, contains exactly one state box together with the decision boxes and conditional output boxes associated with that state.
An SM block has exactly one entrance path and one or more exit paths. Each SM block describes the machine operation during the time that the machine is in one state.When a digital system enters the state associated with a given SM block, the outputs on the output list in the state box become true.
The conditions in the decision boxes are evaluated to determine which path (or paths) is (are) followed through the SM block.When a conditional output box is encountered along such a path, the corresponding conditional outputs become true. A path through an SM block from entrance to exit is referred to as a link path.

From Fig.2, when state S1 is entered, outputs Z1 and Z2 become 1. If inputs X1 and X2 are both equal to 0, Z3 and Z4 are also 1, and at the end of the state time, the machine goes to the next state via exit path 1. On the other hand, if X1 =1 and X3 = 0, the output Z5 is 1, and an exit to the next state will occur via exit path 3.

A given SM block can generally be drawn in several different forms as shown in fig.3. In both Fig.3(a) and (b), the output Z2=1 if X1 = 0; the next state is S2 if X2 = 0 and S3 if X2 = 1.

Consider a Combinational circuit where only one state occurs and the state doesn’t change, i.e.,
Z1= A+A’BC = A + BC
Rules to be followed while constructing an SM block:

1.   For every valid combination of input variables, there must be exactly one exit path defined. This is necessary because each allowable input combination must lead to a single next state.

2.   No internal feedback within an SM block is allowed.

An SM block can have several parallel paths which lead to the same exit path as shown in fig.6 (a), and more than one of these paths can be active at the same time. Eg., if X1 = X2 = 1 and X3 = 0, the link paths marked with dashed lines are active, and the outputs Z1, Z2, and Z3 will be l. Although this would not be a valid flowchart for a program for a serial computer, it presents no problems for a state machine implementation. The state machine can have a multiple-output circuit that generates Z1, Z2, and Z3 at the same time.

In the serial SM block as shown in fig.6 (b) only one active link path between entrance and exit is possible. For any combination of input values the outputs will be the same as in the equivalent parallel form. The link path forX1=X2=1 and X3=0 is shown with a dashed line, and the outputs encountered on this path are Z1, Z2, and Z3. Regardless of whether the SM block is drawn in serial or parallel form, all of the tests take place within one clock time.

Conversion of a state graph for a sequential machine into an equivalent SM chart:

The state graph of Fig.7(a) has both Moore and Mealy outputs. The equivalent SM chart has three blocks - one for each state. The Moore outputs (Za, Zb and Zc) are placed in the state boxes because they do not depend on the input. The Mealy outputs (Z1 and Z2) appear in conditional output boxes as they depend on both the state and input.

Each SM block has only one decision box as only one input variable must be tested. For both the state graph and SM chart, Zc is always 1 in state S2. If X=0 in state S2, Z1 =1 and the next state is S0. If X = 1, Z2 = 1 and the next state is S2.

Fig.8 shows a timing chart for the SM chart with an input sequence X = 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0. All state changes occur immediately after the rising edge of the clock.

Since the Moore outputs (Za,Zb and Zc) depend on the state, they can only change immediately following a state change.

The Mealy outputs (Z1 and Z2) can change immediately after a state change or an input change. In any case, all outputs will have their correct value during the active edge of the clock.

Fig.7: Conversion of a state Graph to an SM Chart  

       Fig.8: Timing Chart

Derivation of SM Charts

Method used to derive an SM chart for a sequential control circuit:
1.    Draw a block diagram of the system we are controlling.
2.    Define the required input and output signals to and from the control circuit.
3.    Construct an SM chart that tests the input signals and generates the proper sequence of output signals.

Examples of SM charts:

1.   An SM Chart for the control of the binary multiplier

SM Chart for Binary Multiplier

The add-shift control generates the required sequence of add and shift signals. The Counter counts the number of shifts and outputs K=1 just before the last shift occurs.
In State S0, when the start signal St=1, the registers are loaded. In S1, the multiplier bit M is tested, if M=1, an add signal is generated and the next state is S2. If M=0, a shift signal is generated and K is tested. If K=1, this will be the last shift and the next state is S3.

In S2, a shift signal is generated, as a shift must always follow an add. If K=1, the network goes to S3 at the time of the last shift, else the next state is S1. In S3, the done signal is turned on.

Verilog Code for the Binary Multiplier:

input clk,st,k,m;
output load,sh,ad,done;
reg/wire [3:0]state, nextstate;
1’d0: if(st==1)
1’d1: if(m==1)
1’d2: sh<=1’b1;
1’d3: done<=1’b1;

2.   An SM chart for control of the parallel binary divider

The binary division requires a series of subtract and shift operations. S0 is the starting state. In S0, the start signal (St) is tested, and if St = 1, the Load signal is turned on and the next state is S1. In S1, the compare signal (C) is tested. If C = 1, the quotient would be larger than 4 bits, so an overflow signal (V = 1) is generated and the state changes back to S0.

If C = 0, Sh becomes 1, so at the next clock the dividend is shifted to the left and the state changes to S2. C is tested again in state S2. If C = 1, subtraction is possible, so Su becomes 1 and no state change occurs. If C = 0, Sh = 1, and the dividend is shifted as the state changes to S3.The action in states S3 and S4 is identical to that in state S2. In state S5 the next state is always S0, and C = 1 causes subtraction to occur.

3.   Design of an electronic dice game

Two counters are used to simulate the roll of the dice. Each counter counts in the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,1,2, . . . .Thus, after the “roll” of the dice, the sum of the values in the two counters will be in the range 2 through 12.

The rules of the game are as follows:

1.    After the first roll of the dice, the player wins if the sum is 7 or 11. He loses if the sum is 2, 3, or 12. Otherwise, the sum which he obtained on the first roll is referred to as his point, and he must roll the dice again.

2.    On the second or subsequent roll of the dice, he wins if the sum equals his point, and he loses if the sum is 7. Otherwise, he must roll again until he finally wins or loses.

The inputs to the dice game come from two push buttons, Rb (roll button) and
Reset. Reset is used to initiate a new game. When the roll button is pushed, the dice counters count at a high speed, so the values cannot be read on the display.
When the roll button is released, the values in the two counters are displayed and the game can proceed. Because the button is released at a random time, this simulates a random roll of the dice. If the Win light or Lose light is not on, the player must push the roll button again.

We will assume that the push buttons are properly debounced and that the changes in Rb are properly synchronized with the clock. Methods for debouncing and synchronization are as discussed previously.

Fig.10 shows a flowchart for the dice game. After rolling the dice, the sum is tested. If it is 7 or 11, the player wins; if it is 2, 3, or 12, he loses. Otherwise, the sum is saved in the point register, and the player rolls again. If the new sum equals the point, he wins; if it is 7, he loses. Otherwise, he rolls again. After winning or losing, he must push Reset to begin a new game.

The components for the dice game shown in the block diagram (Fig.9) include an adder which adds the two counter outputs, a register to store the point, test logic to determine conditions for win or lose, and a control circuit.

The input signals to the control circuit are defined as:
D7 = 1 if the sum of the dice is 7
D711 = 1 if the sum of the dice is 7 or 11
D2312 = 1 if the sum of the dice is 2, 3, or 12
Eq = 1 if the sum of the dice equals the number stored in the point register
Rb=_ 1 when the roll button is pressed
Reset = 1 when the reset button is pressed

The outputs from the control circuit are defined as follows:
Roll = 1 enables the dice counters
Sp = 1 causes the sum to be stored in the point register
Win = 1 turns on the win light
Lose = 1 turns on the lose light

Fig.11: SM Chart for Dice Game
The resultant flowchart for the dice game to an SM chart for the control circuit using the defined control signals is as shown in Fig.11. The control circuit waits in state S0 until the roll button is pressed (Rb = 1).Then, it goes to state S1, and the roll counters are enabled as long as Rb = 1.

As soon as the roll button is released (Rb = 0),D711 is tested. If the sum is 7 or 11, the circuit goes to state S2 and turns on the Win light; otherwise,D2312 is tested. If the sum is 2, 3, or 12, it goes to state S3 and turns on the Lose light; otherwise, the signal Sp becomes 1, and the sum is stored in the point register. It then enters S4 and waits for the player to “roll the dice” again.

In S5, after the roll button is released, if Eq = l, the sum equals the point and state S2 is entered to indicate a win. If D7 = 1, the sum is 7 and S3 is entered to indicate a loss. Otherwise, the control returns to S4 so that the player can roll again. When in S2 or S3, the game is reset to S0 when the Reset button is pressed. Instead of using an SM chart, we could construct an equivalent state graph from the flowchart.

Verilog module for the Dice Game SM Chart (Behavioral):-
input rb,reset,clk;
input [12:2]sum;
output roll,win,lose;
wire/reg [5:0]state,nextstate;
wire/reg [12:2]point;
wire/reg sp;
sp<=1’b0; roll<=1’b0; win<=1’b0; lose<=1’b0;
1’d0: if(rb==1)
1’d1: if(rb==1) roll<=1’b1;
        else if((sum==7)|(sum=11))
        else if((sum==2)|(sum=3)|(sum=12))
1’d2: win<=1’b1;
1’d3: lose<=1’b1;
1’d4: if(rb==1)
1’d5: if(rb==1)
        else if(sum=point)
        else if(sum=7)
if(posedge (clk))

Fig.12.1: Dice Game with Test Bench

Fig.12.2: SM Chart for Dice Game Test
module gametest(rb,reset,sum,clk,roll,win,lose);
output rb,reset;
output[12:2] sum;
inout clk;
input roll,win,lose;
wire[3:0] tstate,tnext;
wire trig1;
wire i;
mem [11:0]arr;
parameter sumarray={7,11,2,4,7,5,6,7,6,8,9,6};
always #20 clk=~clk;
1’d0: rb=1’b1;
else if(roll= =1)
1’d1:  rb=1’b0;
1’d2:  tnext=1’d0;
          if((win|lose) = =1) reset=1’b1;
1’d3: null;
always@(posedge clk)
if(clk= =1)  tsate=tnext;

module test_tester();
reg/wire rb1,reset1,clk1,roll1,win1,lose1;
reg/wire [12:2] sum1;
dicegame d1(rb1,reset1,clk1,sum1,roll1,win1,lose1);
gametest g1(rb1,reset1,sum1,clk1, roll1,win1,lose1);

module test_tester_tb();
reg ;
wire ;
test_tester t1();
trig1=1’b0; sum1=1’d2; point=1’d2;
#580 trig1=1’b1;
#900 trig1=1’b0;
#1060 trig1=1’b1;
#1380 trig1=1’b0;
#1540 trig1=1’b1;
#1700 trig1=1’b0;
initial $monitor($time, “ trig1=5b, sum1=%d, win1=%b,lose1=%b,point=%d”, trig1,sum1,win1,lose1,point);
initial #2000 $finish;

   Simulation and Command File for Dice Game Tester

Fig.13: State Graph for Dice Game Controller

The state graph is as shown in Fig.13 for the dice game controller. The state graph has the same states, inputs, and outputs as the SM chart. The arcs have been labeled consistently with the rules for proper alphanumeric state graphs. Thus, the arcs leaving state S1 are labeled Rb, Rb’D711, Rb’D’711D2312, and Rb’D’711D’2312.With these labels, only one next state is defined for each combination of input values. Note that the structure of the SM chart automatically defines only one next state for each combination of input values.

Realization of SM Charts

The methods used are similar to the methods used to realize state graphs. As with any sequential circuit, the realization will consist of a combinational subcircuit together with flip-flops for storing the state of the circuit.

In some cases, it may be possible to identify equivalent states in an SM chart and eliminate redundant states using the same method as was used for reducing state tables. However, an SM chart is usually incompletely specified in the sense that all inputs are not tested in every state, which makes the reduction procedure more difficult. Even if the number of states in an SM chart can be reduced, it is not always desirable to do so because combining states may make the SM chart more difficult to interpret.

Before deriving next-state and output equations from an SM chart, a state
assignment must be made.The best way of making the assignment depends on how the SM chart is realized. If gates and flip-flops (or the equivalent PLD realization) are used.

Fig.1 State Machine Chart

Eg., consider Fig.1, The state assignment AB _ 00 for S0,AB _ 01 for S1, and AB _ 11 for S2. After a state assignment has been made, output and next-state equations can be read directly from the SM chart. Because the Moore output Za is 1 only in state 00, Za _ AB. Similarly, Zb _ AB and Zc _ AB. The conditional output Z1 _ ABX because the only link path through Z1 starts with AB _ 11 and takes the X _ 0 branch. Similarly, Z2 _ ABX.

There are three link paths (labeled link 1, link 2, and link 3), which terminate in a state that has B _ 1. Link 1 starts with a present state AB _ 00, takes the X _ 1 branch, and terminates on a state in which B _ 1.Therefore, the next state of B (B_) equals 1 when ABX _ 1. Link 2 starts in state 01, takes the X _ 1 branch, and ends in state 11, so B_ has a term ABX. Similarly, B_ has a term ABX from link 3. The next-state equation for B thus has three terms corresponding to the three link paths: B+ = A’B’X + A’ BX + ABX = link1 + link2 + link3

Similarly, two link paths terminate in a state with A = 1, so A+ =A’BX + ABX

These output and next-state equations can be simplified with a Karnaugh map, using the unused state assignment (AB =10) as a don’t-care condition.
The next-state equation for a flip-flop Q can be derived from the SM chart as follows:

1.    Identify all of the states in which Q = 1.
2.    For each of these states, find all of the link paths that lead into the state.
3.    For each of these link paths, find a term that is 1 when the link path is followed. i.e., for a link path from Si to Sj, the term will be 1 if the machine is in state Si and the conditions for exiting to Sj are satisfied.
4.    The expression for Q+(the next state of Q) is formed by ORing together the terms found in step 3.

Fig.2: SM Chart for control of a binary multiplier

Next, to implement the multiplier control SM chart of Fig.2 using a PLA or a ROM and two D flip-flops connected, as shown in Fig.3.

Fig.3: Realization of a Mealy Sequential Network with a ROM

The PLA has five inputs and six outputs. We will use a straight binary state assignment (S0=00, S1= 01, etc.). Each row in the PLA table (Table.1) corresponds to one of the link paths in the SM chart. Because S0 has two exit paths, the table has two rows for present state S0. Because only St is tested in S0, M and K are don’t-cares as indicated by dashes. The first row corresponds to the St = 0 exit path, so the next state is 00 and all outputs are 0.In the second row, St =1, so the next state is 01 and the other PLA outputs are 1000. Because St is not tested in states S1, S2, and S3, St is a don’t-care in the corresponding rows. The outputs for each row can be filled in by tracing the corresponding link paths on the SM chart. For example, the link path from S1 to S2 passes through conditional output Ad when M=1, so Ad=1 in this row. Because S2 has a Moore output Sh, Sh =1 in both of the rows for which AB=10.

Table.1: PLA table for Multiplier Control

If a ROM is used instead of a PLA, the PLA table must be expanded to 25=32 rows since there are five inputs. To expand the table, the dashes in each row must be replaced with all possible combinations of 0s and 1s. if a row has n dashes, it must be replaced with 2n rows.

The added entries are printed in boldface. By inspection of the PLA table, the logic equations for the multiplier control are

A+=A’BM’K + A’BM + AB’K = A’B (M+K) + AB’K
B+=A’B’St + A’BM’(K’+K) + AB’(K’+K) = A’B’St + A’BM’ + AB’
Load = A’B’St
Sh = A’BM’(K’+K) + AB’(K’+K) = A’BM’ + AB’
Ad = A’BM’
Done = AB

Implementation of the Dice Game

The SM chart for the dice game controller can be implemented using a PLA and three D flip-flops, as shown in Fig.4.

Fig.4: SM Chart for Dice Game

Fig.5: PLA Realization of Dice Game

The PLA has nine inputs and seven outputs, which are listed at the top of Table-2. It has one row for each link path on the SM Chart. In state ABC= 000, the next state is A+B+C+=000 or 001, depending on the value of Rb. Since state 001 has four exit paths, the PLA table has four corresponding rows. When Rb is 1, Roll is 1 and there is no state change. When Rb=0 and D711 is 1, the next state is 010.When Rb=0 and D2312=l, the next state is 011.For the link path from state 001 to 100, Rb, D711, and D2312 are all 0, and Sp is a conditional output. This path corresponds to row 4 of the PLA table, which has Sp=1 and A+B+C+=100.

Table-2: PLA Table for Dice Game

In state 010, the Win signal is always on, and the next state is 010 or 000, depending on the value of Reset. Similarly Lose is always on in state 011. In state 101, A+B+C+=010 if Eq=1; otherwise, A+B+C+=011 or 100, depending on the value of D7. Since States 110 and 111 are not used, the next states and outputs are don’t cares when ABC=110 or 111.

The Dice game controller can also be realized using a PAL. The required PAL equations can be derived from table-2 using the method of map-entered variables or using a CAD program such as LogicAid.

Fig.6: Maps derived from Table-2.

Since A,B,C, and Rb have assigned values in most of the rows of the table, these four variables are used on the map edges, and the remaining variables are entered within the map. E1,E2,E3,E4 and E5 represent the expressions. From the A+ column in the PLA table, A+ is 1 in row 4, so we should enter D’711D’2312 in the ABCRb=0010 square of the map. To save space, we define E1=D’711D’2312 and place E1 in the square. Since A+ is 1 in rows 11,12, and 16, 1s are placed on the map squares ABCRb=1000, 1001, 1011. From row 13, we place E2=D’7Eq’ in the 1010 square. In rows 7 and 8, Win is always 1 when ABC=010, so 1s are plotted in the corresponding squares of the Win map.

The resulting PAL equations (can also be derived by tracing link paths on the SM chart and simplifying them using don’t care next states) are
A+ = A’B’C Rb’D’711D’2312 + AC’ + A Rb + AD’7Eq’
B+ = A’B’C Rb’(D711+D2312) + BReset’ + AC Rb’(Eq+D7)
C+ = B’Rb + A’B’C D’711D2312 + BC Reset’ + AC D7Eq’
Win = BC’
Lose = BC
Roll = B’CRb
Sp=A’B’C Rb’D’711D’2312

These equations can be implemented using a 16R4 PAL with no external components. The entire dice game including the control network, can be implemented using a programmable gate array.

Dataflow model for the dice game controller based on the block diagram shown in fig.7.

Fig.7: Block Diagram for Dice Game

Dataflow model of Dice game:

module dicegame_diceeq(sp,eq,d7,d711,d2312,da,db,dc,a,b,c,point);
input sp,eq,d7,d711,d2312,da,db,dc,a,b,c;
input [12:2]point;
reg sp,eq,d7,d711,d2312,da,db,dc,a,b,c;
reg [12:2]point;
if(posedge clk)
if(sp= =1)
if((sum= =11)|(sum= =7))
if((sum= =2)|((sum= =3)|(sum=12)))
if(point= = sum)

The always statement updates the flip-flop states and the point register when the rising edge of clock occurs. Generation of the control signals and D flip-flop input equations is done using concurrent statements. In particular D7,D711, D2312 and Eq are implemented using conditional signal assignments.

Alternatively, all the signals and D input equations can be implemented in behavior model using always statement with a sensitivity list containing A, B, C, Sum, Point, Rb, D7, D711, D2312, Eq, and Reset. Whose architecture is shown in fig.7, same as that of dataflow model and the test bench is shown in fig.8. The results will be identical.

Fig.8: SM Chart for Dice Game Test

module gametest(rb,reset,sum,clk,roll,win,lose);
output rb,reset;
output[12:2] sum;
inout clk;
input roll,win,lose;
wire[3:0] tstate,tnext;
wire trig1;
wire i;
mem [11:0]arr;
parameter sumarray={7,11,2,4,7,5,6,7,6,8,9,6};
always #20 clk=~clk;
1’d0: rb=1’b1;
else if(roll= =1)
1’d1:  rb=1’b0;
1’d2:  tnext=1’d0;
          if((win|lose) = =1) reset=1’b1;
1’d3: null;
always@(posedge clk)
if(clk= =1)  tsate=tnext;

module test_tester();
reg/wire rb1,reset1,clk1,roll1,win1,lose1;
reg/wire [12:2] sum1;
dicegame d1(rb1,reset1,clk1,sum1,roll1,win1,lose1);
gametest g1(rb1,reset1,sum1,clk1, roll1,win1,lose1);

module test_tester_tb();
reg ;
wire ;
test_tester t1();
trig1=1’b0; sum1=1’d2; point=1’d2;
#580 trig1=1’b1;
#900 trig1=1’b0;
#1060 trig1=1’b1;
#1380 trig1=1’b0;
#1540 trig1=1’b1;
#1700 trig1=1’b0;
initial $monitor($time, “ trig1=5b, sum1=%d, win1=%b,lose1=%b,point=%d”, trig1,sum1,win1,lose1,point);
initial #2000 $finish;

To complete the Veriolg implementation of the Dice Game, we add two modulo-six counters as shown in modules counter and game. The counters are initialized to 1, so the sum of the two dice will always be in the range 2 through 12. When Cntl is in state 6, the next clock sets it to state 1, and Cnt2 is incremented (or Cnt2 is set to 1 if it is in state 6).

module counter(clk,roll,sum);
input clk,roll;
output[12:2] sum;
wire [6:1]cnt1,cnt2;
parameter cnt1=1’d1;
parameter cnt2=1’d1;
always@(posedge clk)
if (clk= =1)
if(roll= =1)
if(cntl1= =6)
if((cnt1= =6) & (cnt2= =6))

module game(rb,reset,clk,win,lose);
input rb,reset,clk;
output win, lose;
wire roll1;
wire [12:2]sum1;
dicegame d1(rb,reset,clk,sum1,roll1,win,lose);
counter c1(clk,roll1,sum1);

If a ROM is used instead of PLA, the PLA table must be expanded to 29=512 rows. To expand the table, the dashes in each row must be replaced with all possible combinations of 0’s and 1’s. eg., row5 could be replaced with the following 8 rows.

When a sequential machine becomes large and complex, then the machine can be divided into several smaller machines which are easier to design and implement and are linked together. Also one of the submachines may be called in several different places by the main machine.

Fig.1: SM Charts for serially linked state machines

From fig.1, the main machine (machine A) executes a sequence of some states until it is ready to call the submachine (machine B). when state SA is reached, the output signal ZA activates machine B. machine B then leaves its idle state and executes a sequence of other states. When it finishes, it outputs ZB before returning to the idle state. When machine A receives ZB, it continues to execute other states. Assume that the two machines have a common clock.
Consider fig.2, Rb is used to control the roll of the dice in states S0 and S1 and in an identical way in states S4 and S5. As this function is repeated in two places, it is logical to use a separate roll control (fig.3) which allows the main dice control to be reduced from six states to four states. The main control generates an En_roll (enable roll) signal in T0 and then waits for a Dn_roll (done rolling) signal before continuing. Similar action occurs in T1. The roll control machine waits in state S0 untill it gets an En_roll signal from the main dice game control. Then, when the roll button is pressed (Rb=1), the machine goes to S1 and generates a Roll signal. It remains in S1 until Rb=0, in which case the Dn_roll signal is generated and the machine goes back to state S0.

Fig.2: SM Chart for Dice Game

Fig.3: Linked SM Charts for Dice Game


  1. I don't understand which is main code.

  2. I also dont understand which one is the main simulation code and which one is the testbench
