Using a One-Hot State Assignment
As in PGAs, each logic cell contains two flip-flops,
minimization of number of flip-flops is necessary for any design. So that the
total number of logic cells used and the interconnections between the cells can
be reduced. A one-hot state design can be used to design faster logic i.e., the
number of cells required to realize each equation can be reduced.
It uses one flip-flop for each state => a state machine
with N states requires N flip-flops. Eg.: a system with four states (T0,T1,T2
and T3) can use four flip-flops (Q0,Q1,Q2 and Q3) with the following state
T0: Q0Q1Q2Q3=1000, T1:0100, T2:0010, T3:0001
ð The other 12 combinations are not used
ð The next state and output equations can be written by
inspection of the state graph or by tracing link paths on an SM chart.
Fig.1: Partial State Graph
Consider the partial state graph shown in fig.1, the next
state equation for flip-flop Q3 can be written as
Since Q0=1 => Q1=Q2=Q3=0 then the term Q1’Q2’Q3’ term is
redundant and hence can be neglected. Then using similar case all the primed
state variables can be eliminated from the other terms, then the next-state
equation reduces to
ð Each term has exactly one state variable.
ð Similarly each output equation contains exactly one state
Z1=X1Q0+X3Q2 Z2=X2Q1+X4Q3
When a one-hot assignment is used, the next-state equation
for each flip-flop will contain one term for each arc (or link path) leading
into the corresponding state. Hence in general, each term in every next-state
equation and in every output equation will contain exactly one state variable.
For asynchronous network additionally a “holding term” is required for each
next state equation.
For one-hot assignment, resetting the system requires that
one flip-flop be set to 1 instead of resetting all flip-flops to 0. If the
flip-flops used do not have a preset input then we can replace Q0 with Q0’
throughout. Hence the changes in assignment will be
T0:Q0Q1Q2Q3=0000, T1:1100, T2:1010, T3:1001
And the modified equations are
To solve the reset problem without modifying the on-hot
assignment, add an extra term to the equation for the flip-flop, which should
be 1 in the starting state.
Eg.: consider eq.1and fig.2 for the main dice game control
Fig.2: SM chart for serially linked
state machine
The next state equation for Q0 is Q0+=Q0Dn_roll’+Q2
Reset+Q3 Reset
If the system is reset to state 0000 after power-up, then
add the term Q0’Q1’Q2’Q3’ to the equation for Q0+. Which then
changes after the first clock to 1000 (T0) which is the correct starting state.
In general both assignment with a minimum number of state variables and a
one-hot assignment have to be tried to see which one leads to a design with the
smallest number of logic cells. Based on the requirement the choice has to be
made i.e., for faster speed choose the faster design. When a one-hot assignment
is used more next state equations are required but in general both next state
and output equations will contain fewer variables, and hence requires fewer
logic cells to realize the equation. Equations with fewer variables require a
single cell but for six variables require cascading two cells, for 7 variables
require three cascading cells. As more cells are cascaded, the propagation
delay increases and the operation will be slow.
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